Wednesday, October 5, 2011


During the game of football, there are many ways to get hurt. Many injuries can be career ending, like neck injuries or maybe even getting paralyzed. football injuries are severe and must always be treated properly.

The most common injury in football is a sprain/strain. Runningback often wind up with these injuries. Sprained ligaments can occur when the runningback twists his ankle. If it is a bad sprain he can be out for the season. Strain is when the tendons that attech your muscles to your bones are stretched to far. This also occurs alot to runningbacks.

Another big one is concussions. Comcussions happen when a player recieves a blow to the head.This can result in different levels of impairment of brain functions. Symptoms of a concussion may include confusion, short term memory problems, and loss of consciousness.

Football can be a very dangerous sport. Just last year a player from Rutgers University Eric LeGrand had fractured his C3 and C4 vertabrae while trying to tackle an opposing player.  The doctors had told hom that he would be paralyzed and never walk agian. Since then he has made remarkable improvement. He tweets on how he is doing with his recovery.


  1. I do agree football can be a dangerous sport... but there are many new ways to protect the players such as new helmets and gear. Also new rules and regulations on the game.

  2. My mom would never let me play football because she thought it was too dangerous
