Friday, November 18, 2011

mountain climbing

When people think of mountain climbing they may think of how high you have to climb and how dangerous the sport can be. There are many dangerous things that can happen while you are climbing up a steep and vertical wall of solid rock. These things are maybe your rope that is holding you up snaps, you lose your grip and hopefully not but rocks come loose off the wall and start to fall down at you.

It would not be a good thing to trying to climb a mountain and your harness or the rope broke. If either one of them break your in bad shape. You would start falling down the mountain. This could end in death or many broken bones. Then you would be out of commission of quiet some time.

If you happen to lose your grip while trying to scale rock walls you won’t start plummeting down to the ground. You start swinging around on the rope and smash into the side of the mountain. If you do hit the wall you might break a couple bones but otherwise you’re in good shape. It can be scary moment while you’re just dangling trying to reach for the wall so you can start climbing again.

What I think would be one of the most scariest things about mountain climbing is if rocks were to come loose and fall downwards to where you were trying to climb. This might result in serious injury. Rocks can cause a lot of damage and they hurt when you get hit by them. Mountain climbing is a very dangerous sport.


  1. You must be crazy to mountain climb in the first place so safety isn't really an issue

  2. I think this would be soo fun to do someday, Hopefully I will get the chance to do it!
