Monday, December 5, 2011

horseback riding

There are so many fatal riding accidents that it is near impossible to keep count. Working around on with any living, thinking animal immediately presents obvious risks. There are many injuries that could happen also, such as broken bones, concussions, and maybe even becoming paralyzed.

I have a friend in the state of California who has horses and puts them into completion. One day a couple years ago she was bucked off and she broke her leg at the same time she was kicked in the head and she was out for hours.

Being bucked off a horse can be very quick and scary. If you don’t get out of the way fast enough you just might get hit by the horses very strong hind legs. One of my best friend's dad walked behind a horse and he was kicked in the chest. Now he has a small indent in the middle if his chest.

Also when you get bucked off the horse you can land on any part of your body the wrong way and break many bones. Being disabled on the ground while an animal that weigh over a couple hundred pounds is above you kicking and jumping is not a good place to be.
The most dangerous injury you can get from horseback riding is to the nervous system. Head injuries still outnumber spinal/nervous injuries about five to one. If you looking to getting into horseback riding activities, jumping horses is where you will most likely get a spinal injury.


  1. I think I have riden a horse once or twice when I was little. The only thing I know for sure about horse back riding is that you definatly have to respect them.

  2. That last picture looks terribly painful.

  3. ahahahah that would be fun to actually see.

  4. I have only ever seen horse riding once and it looked scary, I feel like if i saw that last picture in life i would terrified of horses.
