Monday, December 5, 2011


Motocross is a fast paced sport in which the riders are jumping their 100 pound dirt bikes through the air. The riders can reach about 50 feet in the air, sometimes they get even higher. The racers can reach speeds up to about 60 miles per hour. 

There are many serious injuries you can get from racing motorcycles. You can break an arm, a leg, ribs, neck, wrist, etc. being a professional racer takes alot of practice. Even being someone whose hobby is taking the dirt bike out for a spin in the wood takes practice.\

I have a KTM 250 sxf of my own. A couple years ago when I first started riding out in the Ohio mud I hit a jump and landed the wrong way on the landing ramp. I fell off the bike and I sprained my wrist and had received a bad case of whiplash.

Just a couple seasons ago the well-known rookie racer named Ryan Villipoto who races for Kawasaki broke his leg and he missed the whole season. That can be a dampener on his salary and his riding skills.

Jumping the bikes that weigh over one hundred pounds is scary. If you tilt the bike too far to one side you may not be able to pull the bike back up to the upright position. When you land the bike won’t be on its two wheels and it can land on its side. That’s when the rider can receive serious injury. It hurts when a bike that weighs that many lands on you, I would know.

horseback riding

There are so many fatal riding accidents that it is near impossible to keep count. Working around on with any living, thinking animal immediately presents obvious risks. There are many injuries that could happen also, such as broken bones, concussions, and maybe even becoming paralyzed.

I have a friend in the state of California who has horses and puts them into completion. One day a couple years ago she was bucked off and she broke her leg at the same time she was kicked in the head and she was out for hours.

Being bucked off a horse can be very quick and scary. If you don’t get out of the way fast enough you just might get hit by the horses very strong hind legs. One of my best friend's dad walked behind a horse and he was kicked in the chest. Now he has a small indent in the middle if his chest.

Also when you get bucked off the horse you can land on any part of your body the wrong way and break many bones. Being disabled on the ground while an animal that weigh over a couple hundred pounds is above you kicking and jumping is not a good place to be.
The most dangerous injury you can get from horseback riding is to the nervous system. Head injuries still outnumber spinal/nervous injuries about five to one. If you looking to getting into horseback riding activities, jumping horses is where you will most likely get a spinal injury.

Friday, November 18, 2011

mountain climbing

When people think of mountain climbing they may think of how high you have to climb and how dangerous the sport can be. There are many dangerous things that can happen while you are climbing up a steep and vertical wall of solid rock. These things are maybe your rope that is holding you up snaps, you lose your grip and hopefully not but rocks come loose off the wall and start to fall down at you.

It would not be a good thing to trying to climb a mountain and your harness or the rope broke. If either one of them break your in bad shape. You would start falling down the mountain. This could end in death or many broken bones. Then you would be out of commission of quiet some time.

If you happen to lose your grip while trying to scale rock walls you won’t start plummeting down to the ground. You start swinging around on the rope and smash into the side of the mountain. If you do hit the wall you might break a couple bones but otherwise you’re in good shape. It can be scary moment while you’re just dangling trying to reach for the wall so you can start climbing again.

What I think would be one of the most scariest things about mountain climbing is if rocks were to come loose and fall downwards to where you were trying to climb. This might result in serious injury. Rocks can cause a lot of damage and they hurt when you get hit by them. Mountain climbing is a very dangerous sport.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Bull riding is a dangerous sport. Bull riding is exactly what it sounds like. The riders who are called cowboys tie one of there hands securely to the bull with a bull rope. once the gate opens the rider must try to stay on the kicking and raging bull for eight seconds.

During the eight second ride anything can happen. The two thousand pound bull can buck you off and gorge you with one of its long horns. this can causee very serious damage. Many cowboys have died by the bulls horns. If the cowboy doesnt die from the injury then they may be done with bull riding.

The most dangerous part of bull riding is when either the eight seconds are up or the cowboy is bucked off early. Once that happens the riders main goal is to get away from the bull. Sometimes the bull will chase the rider down and attack him. The rider can be trampled on or thrown in to the air and land on the hard ground.

Concussions are common in the sport of bull riding. While the rider is trying to get away the bull that is still kicking and bucking may hit the rider in the head. Not all of the bull riders where helmets, some riders receive worse concussions than others.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Basketball may not seem like a dangerous sport. During the game many injuries can happen. There is an estimate of 1.6 million injuries associated to basketball each year. Injuries such as sprained ankles, knee injuries, and stress fractures.

Sprained ankles can be a result of stepping on an opens foot and twisting your ankle or just landing on your foot wrong. Players that receive ankle sprains will most likely be out for at least a week. This injury can be treated by RICE. Rest, ice compression, and elevation.

Knees injuries can be brutal. They can be the determinant of whether you play another season or you retire. Knee injuries are caused by the constantly stopping and going in basketball. One of the two most common knee injuries is injury to the medial collateral ligament. This is caused by a heavy blow to the outside of the knee. This requires ice, bracing and a gradual return to activity.

The second most common knee injury in the sport of basketball is a torn ACL (anterior cruciate ligament). An injury the ACL is more severe the injured medial collateral ligament and is commonly a season ending injury. This occurs when landing from a jump or a sudden change in direction. This requires corrective surgery, current techniques used to repair the ACL ligament usually allows the player to return the next season.

Stress fractures is also a very common injury in basketball. Stress fractures occur from a quick change of activity level or over training. Stress fractures in basketball most commonly occur in the foot and lower leg. ). Once diagnosed, a period of immobilization and non-weight bearing is recommended. Return to play is permitted once the fracture has completely healed and the athlete is pain free.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Baseball Injuries

Baseball does not require much toughness to play. Even though it is not a tough contact sport, there are still some serious injuries that can occur throughout the season. Many of these injuries occur on the shoulder, elbow, and the knees.

 Many shoulder injuries happen to pitchers. Many pitchers have had a torn rotator cuff in one of their shoulders. A torn rotator cuff is when there is a tear of tendons, ligaments, and some inflammation of the tendons. There are many different ways to injure your rotator cuff. Such as, an Acute Tear and a Chronic Tear. 

The elbow is an ideal place to watch for an injury while playing baseball. Medial Ligament Sprain is a common injury. This can be caused by poor throwing technique, for example Little League players who try to learn to throw breaking balls at a young age. Other injuries that involve the elbow that baseball players have seen are Medial Epicondylitis, Radial Nerve Entrapment

Knee injuries in baseball are very common due to the fact that the players on the field do a lot of running to steal second base or catch a fly ball. The Anterior Cruciate Ligament injury is a big one. A torn ACL usually occurs through a twisting force being applied to the knee whilst the foot is firmly planted on the ground or upon landing. It can also tear due to a blow to the outside of the knee. There are other injuries that will occur during a baseball game but these are just a few.

This following website is a good site to read up on these injuries

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


During the game of football, there are many ways to get hurt. Many injuries can be career ending, like neck injuries or maybe even getting paralyzed. football injuries are severe and must always be treated properly.

The most common injury in football is a sprain/strain. Runningback often wind up with these injuries. Sprained ligaments can occur when the runningback twists his ankle. If it is a bad sprain he can be out for the season. Strain is when the tendons that attech your muscles to your bones are stretched to far. This also occurs alot to runningbacks.

Another big one is concussions. Comcussions happen when a player recieves a blow to the head.This can result in different levels of impairment of brain functions. Symptoms of a concussion may include confusion, short term memory problems, and loss of consciousness.

Football can be a very dangerous sport. Just last year a player from Rutgers University Eric LeGrand had fractured his C3 and C4 vertabrae while trying to tackle an opposing player.  The doctors had told hom that he would be paralyzed and never walk agian. Since then he has made remarkable improvement. He tweets on how he is doing with his recovery.